Selasa, 21 September 2010

Kenapa Berat Badan Tidak Turun Juga ?

PERNAHKAH Anda merasa telah berjuang keras melakukan diet tapi berat badan tak kunjung turun?. Hal ini disebabkan karena adanya kesalahan yang seringkali tanpa disadari dalam menjalankan diet. Berikut adalah kesalahan dalam diet yang sering dilakukan.

1. Kurangi jumlah makan
Hal ini seringkali dilakukan oleh para pelaku diet, dengan melewati salah satu jam makan seperti sarapan atau makan malam. Padahal sarapan penting sebagai energi utama untuk melakukan aktivitas sepanjang hari dan menghindari konsumsi gula atau lemak berlebihan di saat lapar.

2. Batasi Makan makanan tertentu
Diet yang menganjurkan untuk tidak makan karbohidrat atau lemak sama sekali, dan hanya mengkonsumsi buah dan sayur saja tidak baik untuk kesehatan. Karena kebutuhan tubuh akan vitamin dan mineral tidak akan tercukupi, terutama untuk usia remaja. Tubuh masih membutuhkan asupan kalori dan nutrisi yang seimbang untuk menjaga kesehatan. Pilihkan makanan yang rendah lemak daripada tidak makan lemak sama sekali.

3. Konsumsi kalori terlalu rendah
Untuk perempuan, tubuh memerlukan sekitar 2000 kalori setiap harinya, sedangkan laki-laki membutuhkan sekitar 2500 kalori. Apabila kalori yang masuk dibatasi hingga sekitar 1000 kalori atau bahkan kurang, justru akan menyebabkan rendahnya metabolisme tubuh dan mengalami anemia.

4. Tidak olahraga
Padahal olah raga dapat meningkatkan metabolisme tubuh yang membantu proses pembakaran lemak dan kalori, berat badan pun akan lebih cepat turun.

5. Konsumsi salad

Mengkonsumsi salad memang baik, namun patut diingat bahwa mayonnaise yang menyertai salad juga mengandung lemak yang cukup tinggi.

6. Tidak minum susu
Mengkonsumsi susu setiap hari tetap dibutuhkan, terutama susu rendah lemak berkalsium tinggi karena dapat menguatkan tulang dan melengkapi nutrisi tubuh.

7. Berat badan turun drastis
Sebaiknya berat badan yang turun tidak lebih dari 1-2 kg dalam seminggu karena dapat menimbulkan komplikasi kesehatan yang lain, seperti hati dan ginjal, yang dipaksa untuk bekerja lebih keras untuk menggantikan cadangan glukosa dalam darah. Hal ini pun dapat mengganggu kesehatan Anda. (her)

Plus Minus Vegetarian

Untung Ruginya Menjadi Vegetarian
Vegetarian adalah gaya hidup yang tidak mengkonsumsi daging, produk unggas, atau ikan dan produk turunannya. Mereka juga menghindari bahan makanan yang mengandung susu dan telur.

Banyak yang meyakini, dengan menjadi vegetarian orang lebih aman dari penyakit-penyakit mematikan, seperti jantung koroner dan stroke. Soalnya makanan-makanan itu cenderung mengandung bahan-bahan membayakan, misalnya kolesterol.

Kendati begitu, menjadi vegetarian bukan berarti aman seratus persen alias tanpa risiko. "Tetap saja ada risikonya. Sebab, kelompok ini potensial kekurangan pangan hewani" kata Prof Dr Ir Ali Khomsan, Guru Besar Jurusan Gizi Masyarakat dan Sumber Daya Keluarga IPB. "Akibatnya, tak jarang di antara vegetarian yang mengalami anemia atau penyakit kurang darah" ujarnya.

Hal itu dapat terjadi karena mereka kekurangan zat besi dan vitamin B 12 dari bahan pangan hewani. Di samping itu, para vegetarian juga kekurangan protein yang berfungsi membangun tubuh. Itu sebab, sebaiknya anak-anak tidak menjadi vegetarian. "Soalnya, kekurangan protein, terutama protein hewani, dapat menghambat pertumbuhan mereka" tegasnya.

Diingatkan, sebaiknya seseorang baru memutuskan menjadi vegetarian bila masa pertumbuhannya telah selesai. Yakni sekitar usia 18 tahun. Begitu pun dengan olahragawan, bila ia menjadi vegetarian kemungkinan daya tahan tubuh menjadi berkurang. Karena makanan dari hewani juga memberi kekuatan bagi energi tubuh. "Olahragawan yang vegetarian biasanya akan merasa lebih lemas dibanding yang bukan vegetarian" tandas Ali Khomsan.

Secara umum, vegetarian dibagi menjadi tiga golongan. Yakni pure vegetarian (vegan), lacto vegetarian, dan lacto-ovo vegetarian. Pure vegetarian adalah orang yang benar-benar hanya makan bahan dari tumbuhan dan sama sekali tidak mengonsumsi bahan makanan dari hewani. Sementara lacto vegetarian masih mengonsumsi susu. "Sedang lacto-ovo vegetarian adalah vegetarian yang masih mengonsumsi susu dan telur" jelasnya.

Memang, menu utama vegetarian adalah sayurdan buah-buahan. Namun, tentu saja itu tidak cukup. Para vegetarian perlu suplemen (makanan tambahan) tertentu, untuk mengganti kekurangan bahan yang dibutuhkan tubuh akibat tidak mengonsumsi pangan hewani. Terutama untuk bahan zat besi dan vitamin B kompleks. Suplemen didapatkan dari luar bahan makanan pokok. Namun, sejauh vegetarian tidak merasa mengalami gangguan dengan kesehatannya, tidak mengkonsumsi suplemen juga tidak apa-apa. (Sum)

Sumber :Minggu Pagi Online


Rabu, 15 September 2010

Diet Plans

Rachel E. Smith Advisor In this image-driven world where people generally consider thinness as commensurate with beauty, I had always been ordinary in the looks department, or perhaps even less than ordinary because I was not even close to being thin – I was downright fat.

My name is Rachel Smith, and this is my story.

About four years ago, I was thirty-two years old, and that was the last time that I had to look into the mirror and say to myself that I am fat. I have always been chubby ever since I was a little kid. I believe this has to do with the family genes since both my parents are overweight even though they eat lots of healthy food.

I am a very nice person, but unfortunately, people only see me as the “fat girl”. I remember I was one of the smartest students in high school, and I won plenty of awards. People do not remember me as the smart girl in high school, but when people mention the “smart fat girl”, that will ring the bell.

I was never happy about the way I looked. When I saw myself in the mirror, I would think to myself that I was looking a fat and ugly person. I was always depressed so I ended up eating lots of junk food, such as, hamburgers, cakes and ice creams by the gallon. I was embarrassed to tell anyone about how I felt about myself, so I was hiding my true feelings to myself. I wanted help, but did not know when and where to start.

Even after high school, I still felt the same way about myself that I was a fat and ugly. Some months, I would lose about five pounds after trying to starve myself, and then I would regain over ten pounds because I end up on food binging with chips, cookies, and more ice cream. I felt that I have tried every dieting program that is out there, but nothing seemed to work for me because they were difficult to follow. I thought that starving myself to death was an easier option, but I remember that I fainted one time because I literally had no energy to do anything.
I ended up looking online for solutions to help me lose weight since I know that there are plenty of women that are struggling to lose weight just like me.

Ever since then, I started to lose weight naturally and realistically by following simple, step-by-step approach that I was able to manage. In two years, I ended up losing a little more than 90 pounds. Although that is not as much as what most people claim in advertisements and online since they usually tell you that they lose 60 or more pounds in just three months.

Now that I have achieved my goal, I started to help others as well. The first people that I helped to lose weight were my parents. They were able to follow the same method that I used without a problem. This is why I am here to share my experience as well as tell you how to get started to lose weight naturally and realistically just like I did over the years.

You can lose weight too. Anyone can!
Find the right method for you, take action, stick to it, believe in yourself -
and you will do it!

I’ve listed and reviewed many weight-loss programs and products on the site to get you started.
You will find it categorized in the top menu.

- Rachel.

My Recommendations For The Year 2010
Jillian Michaels

Few fitness and health experts in the world today command as much respect as Jillian Michaels, who may be most recognized as the tough, no nonsense trainer on the hit reality series, The Biggest Loser. She has certainly left an impression on both the show’s participants, as well as the millions of viewers that have tuned into the program, and now she has expanded her reach in the health and fitness community with a broad range of products and services. These include DVDs, books and other resources, radio and television appearances, a meal delivery service, a popular online community where dieters and fitness enthusiasts can share ideas and sound off on health topics, and much more.

She is a well respected fitness trainer across the globe
The company offers books, DVDs, meal delivery programs and more
A money back guarantee appears to be available for most products
An online network connects dieters to experts and peers with similar goals
The programs are geared towards both weight loss and fitness needs
There are no gimmicks, and long term goals are reinforced
Jillian Michaels offers a wide spectrum of health and fitness services online, with many other products such as DVDs, books and even video games to satisfy the needs of the most demanding user. A meal delivery service provides men and women across the country with the flexibility to focus on the important things in their lives as healthy, tasty meals are delivered weekly to their doorstep. I highly recommend Jillian Michaels program.

Visit Official Jillian Michaels Site For More Info


Nutrisystem is highly popular right now. It gets a lot of press probably due to the many commercials and infomercials. Is it the right fit for your lifestyle? Here’s what you need to know.

First of all, Nutrisystem has over 35 years experience helping people lose weight and was one of the first weight loss programs to go online, offering online and phone counselling instead of group visits at a traditional brick-and-mortar weight loss center. By offering weight loss support online, people could lose weight in the privacy of their own homes.

Nutrisystem is a diet meal delivery service that sends their meals directly to your home. You get breakfast, lunch and dinner - plus a snack. You can also add your own fruit and vegetables if you want. There are over 170 meals on their menu to choose from and you can even customize your menu, by selecting the meals you prefer from their list of options.

You order a month’s worth of food at one time. Meals come with preparation instructions. Most of them can be ready in 5 - 10 minutes, which makes this diet very convenient since there’s no waiting or long preparation time for your meals. In general, the Nutrisystem diet costs around $11 -$13 a day. One way to save money is to choose to have the food auto-shipped to you every month for as long as you’re losing weight.

Nutrisystem is actually much cheaper than most other diet delivery plans that run about $20-$25 a day. It’s also less than what most people spend on food each day. So you can actually save money while slimming down.

If you’re looking for a simple way to lose weight that includes both your meals and coaching, you may want to consider Nutrisystem has worked for thousands of people - including several high profile celebrities.

Visit Official Nutrisystem Site For More Info

Lemonade Diet

Kym Johnson, dancing star, uses a new lemonade diet to stay trim and healthy. You have seen Kim on Dancing With the Stars with such stars as Warren Sapp, Joey Fatone, and Donny Osmond whom she won the competition with last season. Those long legs and perfect dancer’s body need to look great for the stage and television so she finds the lemonade diet helps her achieve the look she wants.

The lemonade diet is based on the original Master Cleanse diet. This diet was used by Beyonce to prepare for her role in Dreamgirls, which she explained to Oprah on her show. Other celebrities such as Liv Tyler and Robin from the Howard Stern show have used version of this cleanse as well.

Cleansing has been used for many decades by people wanting to get their bodies detoxed quickly for better health, immunity, clearer skin and better concentration. One of the side effects of cleansing is rapid weight loss.

The Master Cleanse recipe is lemons, maple syrup, cayenne pepper and distilled water for 10 days. Lemons are a great detoxing agent, while maple syrup provides vitamins and minerals. Cayenne pepper has fat burning properties and all together, this trio makes for a great combo of cleansing super foods. Try out what Kym Johnson dancing star is using and give the lemonade cleanse diet a try.
If you decide to go with this detox method you will see significant results fast!

Visit Official Lemonade Diet Site For More Info

Thoughts on Google Instant

The blogosphere is absorbing today’s announcement of Google Instant. I wanted to give some context and some thoughts.

Google’s web search (and web search infrastructure) team tries to do several things well:
- We want the most comprehensive index of the web. We explore ways to crawl the web deeper, faster, and better, from increasing our index size or indexing speed to crawling web forms to discovering links in JavaScript.
- We try to return relevant, useful results. Hundreds of people work on lots of improvements to our ranking algorithms.
- We try to return your search results really fast.
- We try to improve our search user interface (UI).

The first three things aren’t highly visible. Average users might not notice changes like Caffeine (improved indexing) or a better algorithm to detect hacked sites–although we have seen effects like users searching more when we deploy a fresher index. A bunch of people at Google have come up with amazing ways to make your search results faster. We’ve shared many of those insights to help make the web faster as a whole.

A key insight behind Google Instant is that if we want to get people answers and solve their problems faster, we can help with that by improving our UI to help you formulate queries more quickly (and then doing a bunch of hard work under the hood to answer that query too). Google typically returns search results in milliseconds, but it takes several seconds for you to type a query. In other words, the limiting factor on a typical search is you. With predictive search and instant results, you can often get the answer you want much faster.

Here’s some additional questions, along with my personal take:
Q: Does Google Instant kill search engine optimization (SEO)?
A: No! Almost every new change at Google generates the question “Will X kill SEO?” Here’s an video I did last year, but it still applies:

Q: Will Google Instant change search engine optimization?
A: I think over time it might. The search results will remain the same for a query, but it’s possible that people will learn to search differently over time. For example, I was recently researching a congressperson. With Google Instant, it was more visible to me that this congressperson had proposed an energy plan, so I refined my search to learn more, and quickly found myself reading a post on the congressperson’s blog that had been on page 2 of the search results.

Ben Gomes mentioned this during the Q&A, but with Google Instant I find myself digging into a query more. Take a query like [roth ira v]. That brings up Autocomplete suggestions like [roth ira vs traditional ira], [roth ira vanguard], and [roth ira vs 401k]. Suddenly I’m able to explore those queries more just by pressing the up/down arrow key. I can get a preview of what the results will be, add or subtract words to modify my query, and hit enter at any time. The ability to explore the query space and find out new things will inevitably lead to changes for SEO. When I was in grad school, I had a professor who mentioned that peoples’ information need often change over the course of a search session. Google Instant makes that process even easier: people can dig into a topic and find out new areas to explore with very little work.

Finally, Steve Rubel’s headline on Google Instant Makes SEO Irrelevant is too big of a claim to be correct, but the point he makes is that Google Instant includes personalization, and personalization changes SEO. Well, that’s common sense in some regard (see this interview from 2007 where I make that point). But that doesn’t mean that SEO will die. I’ve said it before, but SEO is in many ways about change. The best SEOs recognize, adapt, and even flourish when changes happen.

Q: I don’t like Instant! I’m turning it off!
A: We provide that option right next to the search box, but I’d encourage you to spend some time with it first before you have a knee jerk reaction. Instant is a great way to learn more about things you’re not an expert on, and it can save you time. As the Google Instant page mentions, “If everyone uses Google Instant globally, we estimate this will save more than 3.5 billion seconds a day. That’s 11 hours saved every second.” With over a billion searches a day and over a billion users searching each week, that adds up to 350 million hours of user time saved a year. That’s 500+ human lifespans saved a year by this feature if everyone used it.

Selasa, 14 September 2010

Step by Step: Nimbuzz Mobile

Step by Step: Nimbuzz Mobile: "Nimbuzz Mobile The best way to become More Mobile! Be online available on the go Chat with your friends Start an online buddy Call Send text..."

Nimbuzz Mobile

Nimbuzz Mobile
The best way to become More Mobile!
Be online available on the go
Chat with your friends
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Nimbuzz Mobile free to download and use: Nimbuzz will not charge or bill you for anything. However, since Nimbuzz uses your internet connection, incremental data charges from your provider will apply. We therefore strongly recommend to use the mobile client only with a flat-rate data plan or free Wifi connection.